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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1989-04-17  |  456KB  |  639x825  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Apple Hard Disk 20SC System Requirements To use an Apple Hard Disk 20SC To use an Apple Hard Disk 20SC with Macintosh personal com with 1an Apple Ileor Apple IIcs puter, you must have: persona computer nou snu SCS port have Apple SCS Interface Card Product Detail SCSI expansion devices to an Apple le or Apple SS expansion lets you connec IIGS oras many as six to a as threc additional SCS Macintosh Technica Specifications Capacity Data capacity 20 megabvtes (formatted) Data surfaces Heads /Surface: Block size: 512 bytes Total disk blocks: 41,060 Blocks .................. Characteristic Average seel time 68 milliscond Rotational speed: 3,600 rpm Startup time 20 seconds Spin- -down time 20 seconds ......... Interface Connects directly to the Connects to the Apple Ile o Macintost Plus Macintos ...